Adaptive Support for Collaborative E-Learning

The project's primary outputs will be the developed methodologies and accompanying software for adaptively supporting collaborative e-learning. In these pages you can find a detailed overview of our expected results, our publications to date, and the software components we will be progressively releasing.


Expected results

The project's primary outputs will be the developed methodologies and accompanying software for adaptively supporting collaborative e-learning. The developed components will support:

  • Learner- and group- activity modelling, incorporating facilities for enhanced privacy assurance.
  • Modelling of didactic approaches and associated adaptation strategies.
  • The generic (i.e., independent of the subject of the learning material) application of a wide range of hypermedia adaptivity techniques (like adaptive navigation support, etc.)
  • The provision of a set of awareness services including: social awareness / presence and availability modelling and management; situative learning context; interpersonal context (e.g., past and present management of group / community membership or conversation partners); granular privacy control (e.g., management of identity, anonymity, visibility); etc.
  • A range of social recommendation (collaborative filtering) techniques, enabling users to both contribute individual opinions, experiences, etc., with respect to activities in which they participate, as well as review and benefit from others' contributions.
  • Active recommender facilities that will guide and empower the user in: (a) selecting, carrying out, and maintaining an individualized overview of their activities; (b) discovering resources of interest; (c) establishing / participating in groups of collaborating peers; etc.

You may want to check our project-related publications to date, and the released software.